
March 23, 2020

Air Researcher Badge

To complete this badge you should complete all of the below. Some components may not be able to be done from home, such as part 2.

1) Research one historical aspect of flight, and share what you find out with the Troop. You might like to find out about:

  • The development of aviation or flight over a period of time agreed with your leader
  • Balloons or airships, from their first appearance to the present day
  • A type of aero engine such as a jet or piston engines in general, or specific engine like the Rolls Royce Merlin
  • The development of an aircraft type, like a spitfire, boeing 747, Harri-er, Stealth Bomber, Space Shuttle or the Wessex Helicopter. You could find out details about its history, role and achievements

2) While your doing your research, visit at least one place of interest that relates to your chosen subject. (Do Not Do This Until After COVID-19 Restrictions Are Lifted)
• It could be a museum, air air display or aeronautics factory
• You could visit a virtual museum online

3) Present what you have found out

  • Your presentation should include a model that you have made based on your subject. You should also include diagrams and pictures where-ever you can.

Be creative and try making a video presentation. When scouts return to weekly meetings your Scout can bring in their artwork to show.

How To Submit Evidence To Your Leader

If your leader has Badges at Home Enabled

OSM has a new feature called badges at home! If enabled by your leader then you can have your parent log onto the OSM parent portal and submit evidence for your badge there. You can upload a document of evidence with photos, as well as attach videos you may have taken of evidence.

If your leader doesn’t have Badges at Home Enabled.

In this case, you will need to email your leader with the evidence. They should have an email address in the following format “”.

Hopefully they have told you this address if it is slightly different in spelling (or a shortened name). You should avoid sending any emails to a leader’s personal address because of GDPR.

You can attach evidence to the email such as a word document or a link to a google doc. Videos may be too large in size for this method so you may want to upload them elsewhere (As A Privately Hosted Video with your parent’s permission) and put a link in the email.